Create a fabulous fantasy story in 6 steps
Create a fantasy story in 6 steps
a narrative smart game to have fun developing 7 essential skills

A game developed for children aged from 6 to 12 to learn how to invent supernatural stories and thus develop 7 skills essential for the world of tomorrow:
- creativity
- critical mind
- problem solving
- communication
- la collaboration
- empathy
- expérimentation

choose your images, follow the narrative line and tell

Children select the elements of their stories from a series of 200 illustrations placed on 6 themed wheels that spin and align to create a narrative line.
In the game you will find :
- guides to create a narrative line and organize your story
- characters, heroes, emotions, stakes, actions, settings,…
- tips to activate a character (physical, talents, character, ..)
- ideas to create a fantastic decor and get out of the frames
- problems and issues specific to children aged 6 to 12
- proposed actions that make you laugh and let off steam

A game to have fun, learn, communicate and:
- keep children away from screens through an immersive experience (autonomous or cooperative)
- partially repair the cognitive functions damaged by the abusive use of screens
- have a fun experience! Have fun discovering your storytelling skills and sharing them
- learn to create narrative lines, organize ideas, tell simple or complex stories
- communicate their experiences and emotions through fantastic stories
- use the fantastic to get out of the frames. Leave the obligations of « reality » to really express yourself!
- create an accomplice, wacky and evolving adult-child moment

Why the narrative?
First and foremost because it’s both fun and collaborative! Then because the narrative, more than other creative areas, develops a lot of skills at the same time. It is fundamentally very rich in terms of ideas as well as written practice or elocution.
Each year, the World Economic Forum establishes lists of essential skills for the world of tomorrow in the face of 4 unavoidable observations: climate change, the speed of technologies, the increasing scarcity of resources and the economic and social upheavals that all this will cause. These 5 skills are creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration and communication. Narran Game develops precisely these 5 skills. The same Forum also cited play-based learning as the number one way to develop these skills at the top of the list.
According to a NASA study, before the age of 7, 98% of children are creative geniuses. Growing up, only 2% remains. To be creative is to create dreams, but also solutions. To be creative is to create the future! The vocation of the game is to train the imagination of the little ones and to allow each parent or adult to accompany the future towards more freedom of action.